A culture of continuous improvement is what keeps me going at Sigma : Dinesh Agrade
1. How would you summaries your experience of last 17 years with Sigma in one or two sentences?
My time at Sigma has been quite rewarding, both in terms of learning and new successes. Over the past 17 years, I was fortunate to work on the R&D capabilities of the company and develop innovations that were later converted into patented products. Sigma gave me complete freedom to innovate and execute ideas, and I am proud to be a part of the company’s success today.
2. Do you remember your first at Sigma? How was it? Back then, did you think you’d spend 15+ years at Sigma?
Yes. I clearly remember my initial years at Sigma! At that time, not many manufacturers were able to deliver customized tooling solutions as per component requirements. We took up that challenge after a successful trial of a few components. My time at Sigma provided me with many opportunities to learn and engage with new technology and also explore my own capabilities. Today, we are known as a leading manufacturer of customized tools in India. It has indeed been a remarkable journey.
3. What has kept you going for the last 15 years?
To put it simply, it was the abundance of opportunities to innovate and complex problems to solve for our customers. Over the years, I worked in different departments at Sigma including Design and Development, R&D, Application Support, Production Support. In all of these roles, I also experienced and helped shape the culture of Sigma which gives its employees significant freedom in their work along with deep job satisfaction. Together, this encouraging culture and the empowerment it provided to build upon innovative ideas kept me going at Sigma.
4. What are some of the key achievements that you’re proud of at Sigma? (achievements where your contribution was significant)
I have contributed to the development of key products at Sigma including micro bore units and antivibration adaptors, with the latter being patented after successful trials at the customer’s end. I was also a part of the team that developed customized tools for customers to reduce the CPC and boost productivity.
In the course of my work, I was twice honored with the Award for Excellence in technical support. However, my greatest achievement however remains the customer’s appreciation when our tooling solutions yield the desired results for them.
5. Tell us about some of the most challenging moments that you had at Sigma? How did you find a solution and navigate around it?
Sigma offers component-wise solutions, which means, each of our tools is closely customized and different from the other. Designing such tools is itself challenging work. Many times, these tools need to be operated within the set parameters. Educating the customer’s workforce about the same is also a major challenge. Lastly, we have encountered a number of technical limitations oveerselves in the past while designing the unique tools that Sigma offers. However, brainstorming with the team and efforts in the right direction have enabled us to resolve these issues.
6. How would you summarize the transformation in Sigma over the last 17 years, particularly with respect to design?
Design has changed with time across the entire industry in response to changing customer requirements. Additionally, the design department at Sigma has also changed significantly to keep up with the new demands. Sigma’s design department now works with highly advanced tools to offer tightly customized tools. The changes in supply and input conditions over time have led us to bring more clarity to the design functions. Today, we have taken the initiative to build a complete tooled-up project.
- Initiative of complete Tooled up project has been taken into consideration and running successfully. (Did not understand this sentence)
7. Tell us one of Sigma’s values that is closest to your heart and why?
At Sigma, we believe that the employees do not only come to the company to work. Rather, they come to improve their skills, and the quality of their personal life as well. Continuous improvement in professional as well as personal life, and complete freedom to conceptualize and execute new ideas are two valves of Sigma that I have come to value over the years!
8. How have you changed over the last 17 years while working at SIGMA ?
As I stated before, the culture team at Sigma has a number of initiatives in place to motivate and help the employees improve. Similarly, the technological changes around us are also changing us as people. For instance, Sigma has developed its own ERP system called KARMA 2.0. We are now in the process of optimizing our operations by using Artificial Intelligence.
Along with this, the DSI (Daily Small Improvement) program at Sigma encourages employees to improve their work skills as well as their personal lives. All of these initiatives have together changed the thinking of each employee at the company including myself!
9. What is your advice to young design engineers working at Sigma and wanting to make a career in design engineering?
Sigma always encourages young engineers to come up with new ideas, and execute them freely if they are good. Finding a company with such positive culture is very important for youngsters. Given the fact that Sigma has such a culture, I would advise them to join us!
10. What are your plans for the future in the design function at Sigma?
We are currently working on developing new and specialized quality products for overseas markets. Our goal is to increase our product basket and compete successfully in the global market. Continued emphasis on new innovations that could be patented is one of Sigma’s strengths that could be leveraged in the future.